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分享 Vibram Five Fingers 04722 Uomo Hell Bound
2011-9-16 09:00
Hell Bound Chapter 1 There are 47 regions in the world. A Claymore is assigned to each region. So therefore, there are 47 official Claymores in all. The goal of the Claymores is to slay the Yoma, creatures that devour humans. Those hideous things, they can disguise and behave like a human, ...
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2011-9-10 14:55
Ok guys I just wanted to branch off on my own see how it goes. If I get enough reviews I'll continue. The gravel crunched underfoot as Chloe walked towards her favorite tree. She winced as she remembered the events of the day. Mr. Baxter had yelled at her for not ryming her poem in English. And ...
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2011-9-10 14:55
A place where mortals and immortals know the meaning of fear, danger, and anger. I live in this world. Born as a half cat demon, born with a curse. 200 years ago, a great war had raged between the immortals and humans. We had lost. Humans captured us, tearing us apart from our parents, chaini ...
55 次阅读|0 个评论
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2011-9-10 14:53
Harry Potter and the Light Arts Disclaimer: I own none of the characters in this story except for the occasional original character. Only the plot is mine. The rest is J.K. Rowling Summary: This story takes place in the future, just a month after Harry, Ron, and Hermione have left Hogwart ...
59 次阅读|0 个评论
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2011-9-10 14:52
Harry Potter et l'anne de pouvoirs King's Cross Tout les premiers septembre, les passants habituels remarquent un achalandage des plus inhabituel. De nombreuses personnes passent avec des accoutrements plus bizarres les un que les autres composs de capes, bottes et de chapeaux de toutes les c ...
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2011-9-8 14:21
Rating: PG for violence, I guess. Feedback: Always welcome. A/N: This is intended to be a standalone, but I suppose I could write a sequel or something if people want. Happy Birthday I look at the digital clock glowing green in the girl's bedroom. Eleven forty-eight. We have twelve minutes left. /Fo ...
64 次阅读|0 个评论
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2011-9-8 14:19
"Take it away," the man snarled at the midwife, white teeth bared. Nodding hurriedly, the young woman whisked a tiny, squirming bundle out of the room. As she approached a door that would take her to a back alley of the capital city, she was stopped by a voice far younger than her own. "Psst!" it ca ...
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2011-9-8 14:19
"What happened to you, Obren?" Alek asked. "The popular kids dumped me in." I replied. "Again?" Alek and Alison were sitting at the table in the cafeteria. I was standing next to them, mbt schuhe online , covered in trash and banana peels. My clothes were wet and smelly. I had just been dumped in th ...
46 次阅读|0 个评论
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2011-9-7 01:33
Guns and Angels By Jane Bishop Nobody had ever really known what lay behind those walls. Nobody except the few scientists who were working on whatever it was. And nobody except the people who had commissioned this project. The number one rule: secrecy. Secrecy was observed at all times, no exc ...
62 次阅读|0 个评论
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2011-9-7 01:32
Ello thank you for click on my story ^^ This story takes place in NewYork and all the characters and teams i own as well. (Casin's Pov) "Team one go around the back and raid, Team two your on me lets go" I whispered in to my head set. I flatted myself against the wall as I nodded to Case a s ...
56 次阅读|0 个评论


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