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After the girls take the bus packet loss desperation Lake suicide jump

已有 181 次阅读2011-4-24 12:53 |

N correspondent reporter Huangshan Lin Dan kindle, Chen Changqing text / Chart

yesterday to 12 noon under the hot sun Fuzhou West Lake Park visitors are scarce. Sudden A master headlong into the water Mengzi Answer, much ado to save the girl ashore . So that he was surprised that young age , so what can not figure out to jump the lake ? West police station in the dark phone number, the girl down sobbing , and finally burst into tears hotfile, but just a word. Police check her belongings Sony Bravia KDL40HX800, did not find any documentation and can not contact her relatives and friends.

turns to do the work by the police Samsung LN40C630, the girl finally opens his mouth tells what was going on : She Zhang , 19 years old TCL L32HDF11TA, secondary education, home in a remote mountain village of Wing Tai ; about a month ago Musicdown, with Minato parents live frugally to the few hundred dollars , to Fuzhou to find work.

school accounting of Zhang 's work has been looking for copies of cashier , but being blocked , people just move her attendants. She did not want

Unexpectedly yesterday morning, Zhang bus fell on the car when his bag , which made her anxious . Parents gave her bag to find a job there with the 300 yuan of money, if you know she lost the money , will certainly be hitting home after her mother . She wanted friends and family , can be lost cell phone , can not contact anyone ShopBecome, and documents are lost.

with looking for work flow Havebuy, and Xiao Zhang a person walking in the West Lake , actually moving his suicide, did not think to jump jumped into the lake , and good boatmen rescued in time .

enlighten appease Zhang police side , while for her to find ways , in the presence of newspaper reporters also pay travel expenses for her hash . But Zhang has been shaking his head , saying that they want to get a job in Fuzhou . Chen duty police officers to find community , to help her find a nanny job. Work until yesterday , police put Zhang settled before they put out .

to thank Mr. Chen allocated 968,111 rebellion, rewards 100







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